Sitting down to write, do you feel like a verb or a noun? Describe.
When you feel most connected to how you want to be, do you feel like a verb or a noun? Describe.
p.s. Curious to share your response to this prompt with me and a group of friendly writers like yourself? Join us for Free Final Fridays Group Practice Workshop for Love and Friendship, Words Etc! This month we are meeting on June 28 from 12-1:30-EST. Sign up today, respond to the prompts all month, and you’ll have a chance to submit a response for group review before we meet.
If you are joining us for Group Practice Free Workshop for Words and Love, don’t forget to subscribe to receive your weekly prompts!
Each year I pick a theme. It has to be a verb and noun. Like your prompt, it guides the writing as well as the thinking, living, loving, etc. The word is network. See? You can already feel the connection with everything, including me, just my considering that word for a flash moment.